
Moana Surfrider, A Westin Resort & Spa, Waikiki Beach | Marriott Hotels Guide

Moana Surfrider, A Westin Resort & Spa, Waikiki Beach

Moana Surfrider, A Westin Resort & Spa, Waikiki Beach

Opened in 1901, the Moana Surfrider Hotel, known as the "First Lady of Waikiki," stands as Waikiki's oldest resort hotel. Its Victorian elegance fused with modern comfort gives it an iconic presence. Adjacent to Waikiki Beach, with shopping and dining within walking distance, it offers a luxurious beachfront experience.

The page provides monthly trends in accommodation rates for Moana Surfrider, A Westin Resort & Spa, Waikiki Beach, including the points required for point-based stays, hotel location, phone number, parking information, check-in/check-out times, and details about rooms, lounges, pools, and spas based on our actual visits to the hotel. Additionally, at the end of the page, you'll find country-specific information about the hotel's location (currency, time zone, entry requirements, plug shapes, safety of tap water for drinking, etc.). Please use this valuable information as a reference before making reservations at Moana Surfrider, A Westin Resort & Spa, Waikiki Beach.

Accommodation fee / points

The displayed hotel rates and points are based on prices from the Marriott official site for a reservation with 2 adults and 1 room. Due to significant price fluctuations, consider them as a reference before booking.
US DollarSep ‘24Oct ‘24Nov ‘24Dec ‘24Jan ‘25Feb ‘25Mar ‘25Apr ‘25May ‘25Jun ‘25Jul ‘25Aug ‘25
MinUSD 250USD 250USD 266USD 266USD 380USD 380USD 380USD 380USD 388USD 428USD 344USD 344
MaxUSD 994USD 424USD 266USD 481USD 467USD 420USD 620USD 590USD 428USD 428USD 453USD 344
AverageUSD 302USD 288USD 266USD 341USD 386USD 400USD 400USD 425USD 407USD 428USD 414USD 344
PointSep ‘24Oct ‘24Nov ‘24Dec ‘24Jan ‘25Feb ‘25Mar ‘25Apr ‘25May ‘25Jun ‘25Jul ‘25Aug ‘25
Check the lowest price at Marriott
Marriott Marriott Bonvoy Official Check the price of Moana Surfrider, A Westin Resort & Spa, Waikiki Beach About 10K Hotels and Resorts. For Marriott hotel reservations, visit the official Marriott website for the best deals.


CountryUnited States of America
DSTNot implemented
Time DifferenceUTC-10
Time Difference based on regional capitals

flagUnited States

CountryUnited States of America
Calling code1
Country Code2LetterUS
RegionNorth America
Capital CityWashington D.C.
Time DifferenceUTC-5
Daylight Saving TimeImplemented

Daylight savings time is in effect except in some areas. The period is from 2:00 AM on the second Sunday in March to 2:00 AM on the first Sunday in November.

CurrencyUS Dollar [USD]
1 EUR / 1.11 USDSep 19th 2024
Outlet TypeA B
Tap WaterSafe to drink

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