Okinawa Travel

[Okinawa Travel Recommendations] See all Okinawa tourist information at once! Summary [Okinawa tourism information]

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  1. Pick up recommendations for Okinawa travel!

Pick up recommendations for Okinawa travel!

Check out Okinawa travel on the Okinawa tourism information summary page!

When you think of Japan's resort areas, you think of Okinawa!

The image of Okinawa being blue ocean and coral reefs is strong, but that's not the only way to enjoy Okinawa. There are many ways to enjoy it not only in summer but also in winter♪

Morio and Mizuki, who love great deals, will give you a thorough report from a traveler's perspective, including sightseeing spots and food information recommended by Okinawa locals, and how to rent a cheap rental car that's convenient for sightseeing in Okinawa!

Please use this as a reference when you want to enjoy your trip to Okinawa as cheaply as possible♪

Recommended by professionals! 10 things to do when sightseeing in Okinawa! Okinawa Travel Recommended by professionals! 10 things to do when sightseeing in Okinawa! A must-see for those who are worried about where to go when sightseeing in Okinawa! [10 tourist spots and things to do in Okinawa] recommended by travel bloggers. If you go to Okinawa, be sure to visit this place! In addition to the must-see sightseeing spots and gourmet food, this is a must-do! We've packed it with everything you'd want to do when traveling to Okinawa, such as leisure activities, handmade items, and more. If you are worried about where to go or what to do, please refer to it♪ Okinawa sightseeing 1000 yen per day! How to rent a cheap rental car Okinawa Travel Okinawa sightseeing 1000 yen per day! How to rent a cheap rental car I tried renting a cheap rental car in Okinawa. The price was unbelievable! It was only 5,120 yen for 4 nights and 5 days. A budget rental car for 1,000 yen per day. Renting a car in Okinawa is very convenient for getting around during a trip, but can it really be this cheap? Will I be able to ride in a decent car? I want to report on this experience that makes me curious. When is the rainy season in Okinawa? What does it feel like? [Okinawa travel guide] Okinawa Travel When is the rainy season in Okinawa? What does it feel like? [Okinawa travel guide] Rainy season Okinawa guide. When is the rainy season in Okinawa? Should I go on a trip to Okinawa during the rainy season? Many people probably worry about the fact that they don't like the rain, but travel costs are cheap. Therefore, this time, we, who have traveled to Okinawa many times during the rainy season, will tell you about the actual rainy season in Okinawa and consider whether or not you should go on a trip. Also, advice on things to be careful about when traveling to Okinawa during the rainy season. Please use this as a reference when traveling to Okinawa during the rainy season. When is the cheapest time to travel to Okinawa? Okinawa annual weather guide Okinawa Travel When is the cheapest time to travel to Okinawa? Okinawa annual weather guide Explains Okinawa's annual weather (climate) and the best season for traveling. Okinawa is a very popular tourist destination in Japan, but the problem is that the rainy season comes earlier than in Honshu and there are more typhoons, so the best seasons for traveling are actually limited. Let's know the best season to go on a day with as much sunshine as possible. If you want to travel to Okinawa as cheaply as possible, the key is to aim for the off-season. Okinawa Tourism Orion Beer Factory Tour Prices and Reservation Method Okinawa Travel Okinawa Tourism Orion Beer Factory Tour Prices and Reservation Method A factory tour guide for Okinawa's beer "Orion Beer". Orion Beer's factory tour not only allows you to learn about the process of making beer, but also includes a beer tasting service (up to 2 glasses per person) at the end, which is both fun and very profitable. This is one of the sightseeing spots in Okinawa that we especially recommend for beer lovers. 沖縄・宮古島の年間の天気(気候)と旅行に最適なベストシーズン! Article 沖縄・宮古島の年間の天気(気候)と旅行に最適なベストシーズン! 沖縄・宮古島の年間の天気(気候)と降水量、旅行に最適なベストシーズンを紹介。沖縄・宮古島は、2019年より本州からジェットスターの直行便が就航するなど、ますます注目を集めるビーチリゾートとなっているが、降水量も多く台風シーズンに注意する必要があるなど、旅行計画を立てる際は、季節要因を考える必要がある。 【沖縄そば ランキング1位!】地元の人に人気の通好みの沖縄そば「 いしぐふー 本店 」はマスト! Article 【沖縄そば ランキング1位!】地元の人に人気の通好みの沖縄そば「 いしぐふー 本店 」はマスト! 地元の人に教えてもらった、通好みの沖縄そばの老舗「いしぐふー」@やんばる店(本店)に行ってきたので、その詳細を実体験レポート!いしぐふーやんばる店は、昔ながらの沖縄そばスタイルである、卵焼きがのったいしぐふーそばや、本店限定のいしぐふー麺など、本店ならではの一杯が楽しめる。 【沖縄そば おすすめ】地元の人に大人気!おすすめの沖縄そばのお店「幸ちゃんそば」【沖縄観光】 Article 【沖縄そば おすすめ】地元の人に大人気!おすすめの沖縄そばのお店「幸ちゃんそば」【沖縄観光】 沖縄・名護の地元の人に聞いた、本当に美味しい沖縄そばのお店を実食レビュー。新鮮な沖縄県伊平屋島産の食材を使った本場の沖縄そばが食べられる、地元の人達に愛されている人気のお店に行ってみました。 【沖縄 観光 おすすめ】器好きに絶対おすすめ!沖縄観光スポット「やちむんの里」【沖縄 読谷村】 Article 【沖縄 観光 おすすめ】器好きに絶対おすすめ!沖縄観光スポット「やちむんの里」【沖縄 読谷村】 沖縄の読谷村(よみたんそん)にある大人気の観光スポット「やちむんの里」にレンタカーで行ってきたので、そのアクセス方法や営業時間、そして訪れた工房や置かれている焼き物などの詳細をお届けしたいと思う。 沖縄といえばステーキ!1000円ステーキハウス「やっぱりステーキ」ってどうなの? Article 沖縄といえばステーキ!1000円ステーキハウス「やっぱりステーキ」ってどうなの? 沖縄発のステーキハウスチェーン「やっぱりステーキ」。1000円でステーキが食べられて、サラダやご飯、スープが付いてお代わり自由という、とんでもなく激安のステーキハウスだ。名前はいきなり!ステーキによく似ててちょっと胡散臭い感じもするが(笑)、果たしてどんなステーキが食べられるのか、沖縄のイオン名護店にある『やっぱりステーキ』に行ってみた。 [Okinawa cherry blossom viewing spot] When is the best time to see cherry blossoms in Okinawa? Yaedake Edition [Recommended sightseeing in Okinawa in winter] Article [Okinawa cherry blossom viewing spot] When is the best time to see cherry blossoms in Okinawa? Yaedake Edition [Recommended sightseeing in Okinawa in winter] 日本で一番早い桜のお花見シーズンはいつ?おすすめスポットは?行き方は?駐車場は?沖縄本島の桜の名所である八重岳(やえだけ)に、車で桜まつりのお花見に行ってきたので、その詳細をレビューしたいと思う。本州のソメイヨシノを中心とした桜とはまた違った沖縄の桜をぜひ。 [Recommended Spots in Okinawa in Winter] Enjoy Cherry Blossoms at the World Heritage Site - Nakijin Castle Ruins / Cherry Blossom Viewing Nakijin Gusuku Cherry Blossom Festival [Okinawa Sightseeing] Article [Recommended Spots in Okinawa in Winter] Enjoy Cherry Blossoms at the World Heritage Site - Nakijin Castle Ruins / Cherry Blossom Viewing Nakijin Gusuku Cherry Blossom Festival [Okinawa Sightseeing] A hands-on review of the Nakijin Gusuku Cherry Blossom Festival, one of the winter traditions of Okinawa's proud world heritage site, Nakijin Castle Ruins! The history of Nakijin Castle dates back to the 13th century. We bring you information on Okinawa's cherry blossom festival/cherry blossom viewing, which you can enjoy in this precious historical site. おすすめ沖縄郷土料理レストラン「榮料理店」 Article おすすめ沖縄郷土料理レストラン「榮料理店」 沖縄に行ったら絶対訪れたい、沖縄料理のレストラン「榮料理店」。店内は落ち着いた大人な内装で、各種の沖縄郷土料理や食材をリーズナブルに楽しめる。味も非常に美味しい。泡盛や古酒(クース)もお店独自で作っており、お酒好きな人にもおすすめだ。