Okinawa Travel -

[Read in 2 minutes] When is the rainy season in Okinawa? What is it like to travel to Okinawa during the rainy season? Points to note when traveling to Okinawa

Table of Contents

  1. When is the rainy season in Okinawa?
  2. What the sky and sea look like in Okinawa when the weather is bad
    1. Okinawa often experiences an empty rainy season.
  3. This is what the actual rain in Okinawa looks like during the rainy season.
    1. After a while, the sun will shine
  4. When traveling to Okinawa during the rainy season, a hotel with a pool is recommended.
  5. 雨が降っても沖縄で楽しめることは色々ある!
    1. シーサー手作り体験
  6. 雨が降っても美味しいものは美味しい!
    1. 美ら海水族館は雨が降っても大丈夫!
  7. Is Okinawa recommended during the rainy season?

When is the rainy season in Okinawa?

When is the rainy season in Okinawa? What does it feel like? [Okinawa travel guide]

The rainy season in Okinawa is said to normally run from around late May to around June 20th, but if you look at past statistics, there are surprisingly many years when the rainy season starts at the end of April or early May.

Even if you plan to travel to Okinawa in early May with the intention of skipping the rainy season, unfortunately it sometimes falls during the rainy season.

If you were planning a trip to Okinawa, hoping to avoid the rainy season, but unfortunately it coincided with the rainy season, you'd probably think, [It's the worst luck! Just when I planned to enjoy the beach resort in Okinawa!]

However, at the same time, you might also wonder, [What's the rainy season like in Okinawa?]

So this time, we, who have been to Okinawa many times during the rainy season, will bring you the actual weather conditions in Okinawa in the middle of the rainy season.

We would also like to provide you with a guide to Okinawa during the rainy season, including whether you should go on a trip to Okinawa during the rainy season and what to keep in mind when traveling to Okinawa during the rainy season.

What the sky and sea look like in Okinawa when the weather is bad

When is the rainy season in Okinawa? What does it feel like? [Okinawa travel guide]

The photo above shows what the sky looks like in Okinawa when the weather is bad. (Photo taken from inside a moving car)

If the weather is bad, the blue sky of Okinawa will be ruined, and the color of the sea will also become cloudy. (Even so, the beauty of Okinawa's sea remains this blue.)

Actually, this photo was taken outside of the rainy season. A rainy day in Okinawa during July, which is said to be the best season.

The graph of annual average temperature and precipitation in Okinawa is as follows...

Annual weather of [Japan] Okinawa

Max Temp ℃ 19.519.821.724.126.729.431.831.530.427.924.621.2
Min Temp ℃ 14.614.816.519.021.824.826.826.625.523.119.916.3
Precipitation mm 107.0119.7161.4165.7231.6247.2141.4240.5260.5152.9110.2102.8
Rainy Days 10.510.211.810.511.510.68.811.811.

Surprisingly, you can see that the amount of precipitation and number of rainy days are almost the same between May and June, Okinawa's rainy season, and August, the high season during summer vacation.In other words, Okinawa has almost the same amount of rainy days both during the rainy season and during the high season.

Okinawa often experiences an empty rainy season.

When is the rainy season in Okinawa? What does it feel like? [Okinawa travel guide]

Also, the photo above was taken at a hotel during the middle of the rainy season in Okinawa, but in fact, Okinawa can sometimes experience an empty rainy season, where sunny days continue even after the rainy season begins.

We have traveled to Okinawa many times during the rainy season, when travel costs are low, and it seems like there are many sunny days like this.

When asking people in Okinawa about their thoughts on the rainy season, they often mention that after the declaration of the rainy season, there are usually several days of continuous rainfall, followed by relatively sunny weather. Similarly, after the end of the rainy season is declared, it's not uncommon to experience another period of concentrated rainfall.

In other words, just because it's the rainy season doesn't mean it won't continue to rain, and just because the rainy season has ended doesn't mean it won't rain.

Of course, there is a strong luck factor, but just because Okinawa is in the rainy season doesn't mean you should absolutely avoid it.

Well, it seems like there are also instances where people have had the unfortunate luck of experiencing constant rain for a whole week. So, it's probably not wise to have too high expectations.

This is what the actual rain in Okinawa looks like during the rainy season.

When is the rainy season in Okinawa? What does it feel like? [Okinawa travel guide]

Now, let's take a look at the sky over Okinawa on a day in the middle of the actual rainy season.

On this day, it was sunny in the morning, but around noon the clouds gradually increased...Then, the sky became dark and large squalls of rain finally began to fall.

After a while, the sun will shine

When is the rainy season in Okinawa? What does it feel like? [Okinawa travel guide]

However, after a while the rain stopped falling, and clear skies began to appear in the sky again.

Of course, there are days when it rains all day long, but often the rain stops within a few hours. If you feel like this, you should be able to fully enjoy Okinawa in early summer.

When traveling to Okinawa during the rainy season, a hotel with a pool is recommended.

When is the rainy season in Okinawa? What does it feel like? [Okinawa travel guide]

To make the most of your trip to Okinawa during the rainy season, we recommend choosing a hotel with a swimming pool.

As I wrote earlier, the rainy season in Okinawa is from mid-May to mid-June, and although it is still early for water activities such as pools and the sea in Honshu, Okinawa has already entered the summer climate. You can fully enjoy yourself at the sea or pool.

However, if you go swimming at the beach, if it rains, your body and feet may get sandy, making it difficult to change clothes, and your luggage and clothes may get wet. This is why hotels with pools are so convenient.

Hotels with pools also have lockers to store your luggage and changing rooms where you can change your clothes without getting wet in the rain. It's comfortable and equipped with a shower. Even if it rains, if you're playing in the pool, it doesn't matter if you get a little wet because you're going to get wet in the pool anyway.

If you want to fully enjoy Okinawa during the rainy season, choose a hotel with a swimming pool so you can have fun swimming in the sea on sunny days and have fun even if it rains.

We have reviewed hotels with pools that we actually stayed at in a separate article, so please use this as a reference when choosing a hotel.

【ルネッサンスリゾートオキナワ ルネッサンス沖縄】バスやレンタカーでの行き方・駐車場などホテル内を詳しく解説【マリオットホテル 宿泊記 / 滞在記】 Hotel 【ルネッサンスリゾートオキナワ ルネッサンス沖縄】バスやレンタカーでの行き方・駐車場などホテル内を詳しく解説【マリオットホテル 宿泊記 / 滞在記】 沖縄にあるマリオット提携の大型リゾート施設「ルネッサンスリゾートオキナワ / ルネッサンス沖縄」へのバスでの行き方やレンタカーの駐車場、ホテルでのお得な過ごし方をまとめてみた。このホテルは特に家族連れのゲストに人気のアクティビティ満載のリゾートホテルだ。 シェラトン沖縄サンマリーナリゾート 宿泊ガイド【マリオットホテル 滞在記】 Hotel シェラトン沖縄サンマリーナリゾート 宿泊ガイド【マリオットホテル 滞在記】 マリオット / SPG ホテルレビュー vol.28 に登場するのは、沖縄・恩納村エリアにある、アミューズメント設備が整ったビーチフロントのリゾートホテル「シェラトン沖縄サンマリーナリゾート」。大人だけ、子供連れ、三世代などなど、様々な旅行スタイルに対応できる、沖縄で大人気のリゾートホテルのすべてをお届けする宿泊記 / 滞在記 - ブログです。 オキナワマリオットリゾート&スパ - 沖縄マリオット - マリオットホテル 宿泊記 / 滞在記 Hotel オキナワマリオットリゾート&スパ - 沖縄マリオット - マリオットホテル 宿泊記 / 滞在記 沖縄屈指のリゾート地、恩納村にあるオキナワマリオットリゾート&スパを何処よりも詳しく、実際に宿泊した写真とともに良い点・悪い点を宿泊記 / 滞在記 - ブログにまとめてみた。ゴールドエリート会員で利用できたラウンジの様子や、お部屋のアップグレード、プール、無料の朝食、そして宿泊費用まで、写真付きで詳しく解説。


When is the rainy season in Okinawa? What does it feel like? [Okinawa travel guide]








When is the rainy season in Okinawa? What does it feel like? [Okinawa travel guide]









When is the rainy season in Okinawa? What does it feel like? [Okinawa travel guide]






【沖縄そば ランキング1位!】地元の人に人気の通好みの沖縄そば「 いしぐふー 本店 」はマスト! Article 【沖縄そば ランキング1位!】地元の人に人気の通好みの沖縄そば「 いしぐふー 本店 」はマスト! 地元の人に教えてもらった、通好みの沖縄そばの老舗「いしぐふー」@やんばる店(本店)に行ってきたので、その詳細を実体験レポート!いしぐふーやんばる店は、昔ながらの沖縄そばスタイルである、卵焼きがのったいしぐふーそばや、本店限定のいしぐふー麺など、本店ならではの一杯が楽しめる。 【沖縄そば おすすめ】地元の人に大人気!おすすめの沖縄そばのお店「幸ちゃんそば」【沖縄観光】 Article 【沖縄そば おすすめ】地元の人に大人気!おすすめの沖縄そばのお店「幸ちゃんそば」【沖縄観光】 沖縄・名護の地元の人に聞いた、本当に美味しい沖縄そばのお店を実食レビュー。新鮮な沖縄県伊平屋島産の食材を使った本場の沖縄そばが食べられる、地元の人達に愛されている人気のお店に行ってみました。



When is the rainy season in Okinawa? What does it feel like? [Okinawa travel guide]


沖縄 美ら海水族館
名称沖縄 美ら海水族館
場所沖縄県 国頭郡本部町字石川424番地
営業時間通常期:8:30 - 18:30(入園締切 17:30)
繁忙期:8:30 - 20:00(入園締切 19:00)
入園料大人 2,180円
高校生 1,440円
小中学生 710円
6歳未満 無料

入園チケットは美ら海水族館 公式サイトからネットで購入することができるが、水族館までのレンタカーが用意できない時や、那覇市内から簡単に美ら海水族館に観光に行きたい場合、雨の時の移動も楽になるので、以下のような沖縄現地ツアーを利用するのが便利でおすすめだ。

・美ら海水族館観光バスツアー 古宇利島+選べるコース「ナゴパイナップルパーク」又は「アメリカンビレッジ」をめぐる1日観光(Veltra)icon

・美ら海水族館観光バスツアー 万座毛+御菓子御殿をめぐる1日観光 夕食付きプランもあり(Veltra)icon

Is Okinawa recommended during the rainy season?

When is the rainy season in Okinawa? What does it feel like? [Okinawa travel guide]

Okinawa during the rainy season. In the image, it seems like it's going to rain continuously and you won't be able to play in the sea or pool, but in reality, if you're lucky, it can sometimes be sunny. Even if it rains, if it's not too strong, you can play in the pool or the sea.

Of course, if you're unlucky, it might rain the whole time you're there. If you plan your trip with the mindset that it doesn't matter if it rains, you'll have a much more enjoyable trip to Okinawa than you imagined.

We hope this guide will be helpful if you are unsure about traveling to Okinawa during the rainy season.

Now, let's have some fun memories from our trip to Okinawa!See you soon♪

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