Kyoto Travel

Kyoto guidance of Kyoto people

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  1. Kyoto Guide for Kyoto People

Kyoto Guide for Kyoto People

Kyoto guidance of Kyoto people

Morio and Mizuki, who live in Kyoto, will guide you through the city of Kyoto, from famous spots listed in guidebooks to minor spots favored by locals.

We will also introduce places where you can spend your time at a reasonable price, ways to spend your time at a reasonable price, hidden spots loved by locals, and limited-time events.

Please use this as a reference when traveling or sightseeing in Kyoto.

[Kyoto Travel] How to Utilize McDonald's Mobile Order Kyoto Travel [Kyoto Travel] How to Utilize McDonald's Mobile Order Transforming McDonald's into a Restaurant: How to Utilize 'Mobile Order' At major McDonald's locations in Kyoto, the McDonald's app allows you to use the mobile order feature. By making the most of this service, McDonald's can turn into a convenient and comfortable place, just like a restaurant. Cheap restaurant with English OK near Nintendo Store Kyoto Kyoto Travel Cheap restaurant with English OK near Nintendo Store Kyoto The long-awaited [Nintendo Store KYOTO] has opened in Kyoto, where Nintendo's headquarters is located! We'll also introduce easy directions to Nintendo Store Kyoto, recommended open times, and inexpensive restaurants that are open to families in both Japanese and English. Please use this as a reference if you want to enjoy the Nintendo Store with your family while on vacation. 【京都観光】隠れた名所・京都人の私が一番好きな「桜の名所」【京都案内 おすすめ】 Tourism 【京都観光】隠れた名所・京都人の私が一番好きな「桜の名所」【京都案内 おすすめ】 京都に住んでいる私達が一番大好きな「京都の桜の名所・隠れた穴場」を紹介。その場所は駐車場も少なく車でアクセスするのは少し難しい場所にあるため、地下鉄を使ってアクセスするのが最適だ。 【Kyoto Arashiyama Tourism】 Enjoy the sights of Kyoto Japan and Arashiyama and the four seasons of Kyoto with the rickshaw of Ebisu! 【Experience Review】 Tourism 【Kyoto Arashiyama Tourism】 Enjoy the sights of Kyoto Japan and Arashiyama and the four seasons of Kyoto with the rickshaw of Ebisu! 【Experience Review】 Since I enjoyed enjoying EBISUYA, a rickshaw of Arashiyama, Kyoto, I experienced the situation report! This time, we take a 30-minute course and take a route that will return from the "Suiran, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Kyoto" of the accommodation hotel around Bamboo Grove Road. Because it was spring, cherry blossoms were at their best, but it is a tourist to enjoy the four seasons of Arashiyama, Kyoto, including autumn leaves in autumn. 入場一日100人限定!超レアな「白龍園」一般公開【京都観光】 Tourism 入場一日100人限定!超レアな「白龍園」一般公開【京都観光】 京都の穴場観光スポット「白龍園」に、春の桜を見に行ってきたので実体験レポート!この白龍園は、京都の青野株式会社の創業者、故青野正一氏によって作られた京都・二ノ瀬にある秘境の日本庭園。例年は入場が一日100人限定なのだが、2019年春の特別公開では入場制限無し。 叡山電鉄で京都の鞍馬・貴船・洛北観光へ!京都市内からは何分?【京都観光】 Tourism 叡山電鉄で京都の鞍馬・貴船・洛北観光へ!京都市内からは何分?【京都観光】 京都市内から鞍馬・貴船までどのくらい時間がかかる?駐車場は?コインロッカーは?ランチは?トイレは?どうやって行くのがいいのか?名物は?おすすめのお土産は?観光には何時間くらいかかる?そんな疑問全てに徹底レビュー! 【京都 世界遺産】世界遺産「仁和寺」の桜・お花見【京都観光】 Tourism 【京都 世界遺産】世界遺産「仁和寺」の桜・お花見【京都観光】 ユネスコ世界遺産にも登録されている、京都の穴場観光スポット「仁和寺」を観光レポート!このお寺は、真言宗御室派の総本山でもあり、敷地内には国宝の「金堂」、重要文化財の「五重塔」「御影堂」「観音堂」など様々な重要文化財を持つ、平安時代の仁和4年(西暦888年)に建造された歴史深いお寺。また桜の名所としても知られる観光スポットでもある。 Hogon-in Temple Autumn Special Visit [Autumn Foliage Illumination] Guide [Kyoto Tourism] Kyoto Travel Hogon-in Temple Autumn Special Visit [Autumn Foliage Illumination] Guide [Kyoto Tourism] Kyoto's Arashiyama is the mecca of autumn foliage. Hogon-in Temple is extremely popular as a spot for illuminations, but there are some negative reviews saying that if you go at the wrong time, you will have to wait in a huge line or you won't be able to get in. However, you should definitely go to see the illuminations of the autumn leaves at Hogon-in Temple. Here we will explain in detail how to get to Hogon-in Temple, admission fees, illumination periods, recommended times, and more. How to get to Kyoto's Gion-ji Temple, where moss and autumn leaves are beautiful [Maple Moss Temple] Kyoto Travel How to get to Kyoto's Gion-ji Temple, where moss and autumn leaves are beautiful [Maple Moss Temple] We will introduce how to get to Gion-ji Temple, a temple with magnificent moss and maple leaves (autumn leaves) that sits quietly in the depths of Arashiyama, Kyoto, as well as parking, admission fees and hours, along with the beautiful autumn leaves. Gion-ji Temple is a hidden Kyoto tourist spot that is famous for the moss and maple leaves in its gardens, and is known only to those in the know. It is most popular in the fall when the leaves change color. 濃厚な抹茶の味わい「本格抹茶スイーツ」お取り寄せのおすすめは? Kyoto 濃厚な抹茶の味わい「本格抹茶スイーツ」お取り寄せのおすすめは? 京都人がおすすめする京都案内。今回は自宅にお取り寄せできる「老舗のお茶屋さん『伊藤久右衛門』の本格抹茶スイーツ」。人気の抹茶パフェをそっくりそのままアイスバーにした【抹茶パフェアイスバー】や『宇治茶のティラミス「宇治てぃらみす」』など、テレビでも紹介されるおすすめを詳しく紹介! Kyoto Tourism Nijo Castle Cherry Blossom Festival 2024 Light-up Guide Kyoto Travel Kyoto Tourism Nijo Castle Cherry Blossom Festival 2024 Light-up Guide A guide to the 2024 Cherry Blossom Festival, which is held for a limited time every year during the cherry blossom season at Nijo Castle in Kyoto, a World Heritage Site. Light-up is also held during the period. Detailed explanation of the Cherry Blossom Festival 2024 period, castle entrance fees, parking information, directions, cherry blossom blooming status, etc. 【徹底解説】京都 嵐山の保津川下り!どこから乗る?時間は?価格は?予約方法は?【京都観光】 Tourism 【徹底解説】京都 嵐山の保津川下り!どこから乗る?時間は?価格は?予約方法は?【京都観光】 京都の超有名な観光アクティビティ「保津川下り」を徹底解説!「予約方法」「行き方」「現地でのチケット購入方法」「料金」や保津川下りの景色などの詳細をできるだけ詳しくレビューしたいと思う。 嵯峨嵐山の湯豆腐のお店「竹むら」はコース料理も超お得♪【京都観光】 Kyoto 嵯峨嵐山の湯豆腐のお店「竹むら」はコース料理も超お得♪【京都観光】 京都の嵯峨 嵐山で超おすすめの湯豆腐のお店「竹むら」を見つけてきたので、その時食べたお豆腐のコース料理の内容はもちろん、肌ツルツルな驚異の女将さんとの会話など、その時の体験をレビューしたい。この湯豆腐「竹むら」さんは、コース料理もお手頃なので、京都嵐山で湯豆腐を食べたい時はぜひ訪れてみてほしいと思う。 [World Heritage Tenryu-ji Temple] How to get there, admission fee (discount), time, highlights / Pay attention to the release date of Unryu-zu! [Kyoto autumn leaves recommended Arashiyama garden] Kyoto [World Heritage Tenryu-ji Temple] How to get there, admission fee (discount), time, highlights / Pay attention to the release date of Unryu-zu! [Kyoto autumn leaves recommended Arashiyama garden] World heritage [Tenryu-ji] in Arashiyama, Kyoto. The main attractions are the wonderful Japanese-style garden and [Unryu-zu].If you don't have a lot of time, it's worth a visit just to stroll through the garden.This time, I would like to introduce the entrance fee, the opening hours (business hours), and the opening date of the [Unryu-zu] along with the beautiful autumn leaves. Thorough explanation! How to Ride the Sagano Scenic Railway Torokko Train during the Autumn Leaves Season【Kyoto Tourism】 Tourism Thorough explanation! How to Ride the Sagano Scenic Railway Torokko Train during the Autumn Leaves Season【Kyoto Tourism】 京都の大人気観光列車「嵯峨野観光鉄道 トロッコ列車」で、秋の紅葉シーズンの京都を嵐山から亀岡まで行ってきたので、そのトロッコ列車からの風景や、トロッコ列車の切符購入(予約)方法、場所、乗り方、どちら側がおすすめか、そして観光の景色を楽しむのに最適な「リッチ号」への乗車方法などを実体験レポートしたいと思う。 [Rickshaw sightseeing] Recommended for people who don't have time! Sightseeing around Arashiyama’s famous spots by rickshaw [Kyoto Tourism] Tourism [Rickshaw sightseeing] Recommended for people who don't have time! Sightseeing around Arashiyama’s famous spots by rickshaw [Kyoto Tourism] えびす屋さんの人力車で、京都・嵐山の秋の紅葉観光に行ってきたので、その気になる内容や、値段 / 価格、そして実際に乗ってみた感想などを実体験レビュー!京都・嵐山で楽しむ人力車観光は、格別感があるので、一度は体験してみてほしいアクティビティの一つだ。 洛北・鞍馬寺や貴船神社 観光のおすすめランチ!和み家 心天狗【京都観光】 Kyoto 洛北・鞍馬寺や貴船神社 観光のおすすめランチ!和み家 心天狗【京都観光】 京都・洛北の貴船神社や鞍馬寺に観光に行った時のランチにおすすめのお店を詳しく紹介。安くてお腹が一杯になる美味しいお店【和み家 心天狗】さん。メニューや値段・味、駐車場、クレジットカードについても。 [Kyoto sightseeing] UBER TAXI starts in Kyoto! The coupon code for 4000 yen discount ♪♪[UBER KYOTO] Kyoto [Kyoto sightseeing] UBER TAXI starts in Kyoto! The coupon code for 4000 yen discount ♪♪[UBER KYOTO] Uber Kyoto coupon code, discount code is here. Uber taxi is convenient for sightseeing of Kyoto. Introduce discount code! [Recommended Kyoto Tourism] Demonstrating Kyoto Japanese sweets in front of you and enjoying matcha at a low price! Long-established Kyoto confectionery shop Tsuruya Yoshinobu [Kyoto Japanese sweets] Kyoto [Recommended Kyoto Tourism] Demonstrating Kyoto Japanese sweets in front of you and enjoying matcha at a low price! Long-established Kyoto confectionery shop Tsuruya Yoshinobu [Kyoto Japanese sweets] At a famous Japanese confectionery shop in Kyoto, a craftsman will make Japanese sweets for you right in front of you, and you can even enjoy freshly made Japanese sweets with matcha green tea!And cheap! A detailed report on recommended long-established Japanese confectionery shops. 【全国旅行支援事業 延長決定 使い方】京都 きょうと魅力再発見 旅プロジェクトで宿泊代 実質無料!?【GOTO 全国旅行支援割 きょうと】 Kyoto 【全国旅行支援事業 延長決定 使い方】京都 きょうと魅力再発見 旅プロジェクトで宿泊代 実質無料!?【GOTO 全国旅行支援割 きょうと】 延長決定!京都府民限定!京都府内の対象ホテルに宿泊、もしくは日帰り旅行をすると、宿泊割引や旅行割引、クーポン券の配布などのサービスが受けられる「きょうと魅力再発見旅プロジェクト」が開催中。このキャンペーンを使えば、ホテルに実質無料で宿泊できるかも!? [Recommended hotels near Kyoto Station] Pick up convenient hotels around Kyoto Station! [Tourism in Japan] Hotel [Recommended hotels near Kyoto Station] Pick up convenient hotels around Kyoto Station! [Tourism in Japan] Recommended hotel information in Kyoto. Selected and picked up excellent hotels with outstanding convenience around Kyoto Station. Kyoto Station is a hub for sightseeing in Kyoto, not only for JR, but also for subways and buses. Being close to Kyoto station is very convenient for sightseeing. [Recommended hotels around Shijo, Kyoto] Pick up recommended hotels around Shijo, the center of Kyoto! [Cheap Kyoto Travel] Hotel [Recommended hotels around Shijo, Kyoto] Pick up recommended hotels around Shijo, the center of Kyoto! [Cheap Kyoto Travel] Pick up recommended hotels in the center of Kyoto, from Karasuma Shijo Dori to Kawaramachi Shijo and Gion. The Shijo area is conveniently located with many Keihan and subway stations and various bus stops. We have carefully selected the best hotels as a base for your trip to Kyoto with many stores. Rohm Illumination 2018[Christmas season sights in Kyoto] Tourism Rohm Illumination 2018[Christmas season sights in Kyoto] In the winter of Kyoto, the classic "Rohm · Illumination" of the Christmas season started again this year! Since we also went to the first day immediately, I would like to report on the state of the illumination, the location, the access method, the parking lot etc in as much detail as possible. アップルストア 京都【行き方や駐車場、店内の様子など】 Kyoto アップルストア 京都【行き方や駐車場、店内の様子など】 メジャートリップのホームタウン京都にある、アップルストア(apple store)京都店に行ってきたので店内の様子や行き方、駐車場などについて紹介しておきたい。グーグルマップでの位置と実際の店舗の場所はちょっとだけ違うので注意しよう。 Report of Nijyo Castle Night Illumination Tourism Report of Nijyo Castle Night Illumination 二条城の桜のシーズンの恒例イベント「二条城ライトアップ」をレポート。満開には少し早めのシーズンだったが、それでも色々見どころがあって楽しめた。