Articles about [Taiwan]
Taiwan Travel [Taiwanese Gourmet] How to eat cheaply at the popular restaurant Din Tai Fung During my trip to Taipei, Taiwan, I will show you how to eat at Din Tai Fung, a restaurant chosen as one of the top 10 restaurants in the world, as cheaply as possible. Din Tai Fung is a very popular restaurant, so if you go there normally you will have to wait for about an hour, but this method is recommended as it reduces the wait time and saves you money.
Taiwan Travel [Taiwan trip] I tried using transfer service between airports and hotels I used a shuttle service between the airport and the hotel during my trip to Taiwan, so I will report on my experience there. You can use UBER in Taiwan, but you may be charged a high amount of money, and it can be a hassle to make arrangements after you arrive, so it is recommended that you make a reservation in Japan in advance.
Taiwan Travel [Taiwan Travel] Taiwan Lantern Festival Experience An experience report on the Lantern Festival, a major event in Taiwan that is held once a year. The Lantern Festival is a festival that is held for about two weeks during the Lunar New Year, and the location varies depending on the year.
Airlines China Airlines Guide Guide to Taiwan's flagship carrier [China Airlines]. We compile a variety of information about China Airlines, such as in-flight conditions, in-flight meals, airline codes, and ports of operation.
Taiwan Travel [Taiwan Travel] Things to note when using UBER in Taiwan! In Taiwan, taxis often only speak Chinese, and you can only pay in cash, but if you call a taxi with UBER, you can select your destination and pay through the UBER app, which is very convenient. However, you need to be careful when using UBER, as if you are not careful, you may be hit with an unexpectedly high bill.
Taiwan Travel [Taiwan Travel] How to purchase, use, and top-up EasyCard Introducing how to purchase, use, and top up EasyCard, a transportation electronic money card that is essential when traveling to Taiwan. Having an Easy Card will make your trip to Taiwan much more comfortable, so when you arrive in Taiwan, the first thing you should do is get an Easy Card!
Taiwan Travel [Taiwan Lottery] NTD 5000 gift lottery campaign A lottery campaign where you can win NT$5,000 by drawing lots at the arrival lobby after entering Taiwan is being held until June 30, 2025. We also tried drawing lots during our trip to Taiwan, and we actually won, so we're sharing the details. We will also introduce how to register for the lottery and how to draw the lottery.
Article [Taiwan travel and sightseeing recommendations] It only takes 2 days! Recommended routes for sightseeing in Taiwan! [Famous spots in Taiwan] 台湾観光のおすすめルートやWifi、現金の両替方法や夜市の情報などはじめて台湾旅行に行くときに必要な情報をまとめています。
Taiwan Travel Taiwan travel recommended sightseeing information summary page! Taiwan Travel Guide: Detailed Introduction to Recommended Tourist Spots, Cost-Effective Ways to Explore, and Local Insights! Even for first-time travelers to Taiwan, you'll be just fine with this guide. In-depth explanations, including information on Taiwan's night markets and how to get there. Also, consider beginner-friendly local transportation and useful currency exchange methods for your reference.
Article 【割引クーポン有り】台湾ドルをお得に両替する方法【台湾旅行 おすすめ 両替】 台湾は観光地やレストラン、ショッピング、タクシーなどで現金払いが必要なことが多く、旅行前に日本円を台湾ドルに両替は必須だが、直前の空港での両替は為替レートも悪いので、事前にお得なレートでネットで両替&宅配してくれるドルユーロがおすすめ。旅行に合わせた両替の目安やドルユーロ利用でさらにお得になるクーポンも配布中。
Hotel シェラトングランド台北ホテル - マリオット ホテル宿泊記 台湾台北市内の中心部に位置する5つ星ホテル「シェラトングランド台北ホテル」のまとめ。台北駅からも歩いて約5分の場所に位置し、観光やショッピング、そしてビジネスにも最適なこのホテルに滞在 / 宿泊したので、その詳細をお届けします。