Cruise Travel

Full course every day! Free luxurious meals! Cruise ship main dining (restaurant)

Table of Contents

  1. cruise ship dining
  2. Full course dinner every day
  3. When you get tired of full course meals...

cruise ship dining

The cruise ship's main restaurant has a luxurious name, but it's free!

Dinner on a cruise ship can be eaten at any time you like if you are in a private class (such as a yacht club), but if you are in a regular class, you will have to eat at a fixed time.

Dinner hours are basically two shifts: first seating (early hours, around 6:00 p.m.) and second seating (late hours, around 8:30 p.m.). On some ships, such as Royal Caribbean, you can even set your own time zone called My Time.

Cruise ship main restaurant hours
Dinner is basically a two-part system.
*Slightly different depending on the ship
  • Early hours: First seating (from around 6pm)
  • Late hours: Second seating (from around 8pm)

When you sign up for a cruise, you're usually automatically assigned first seating, so if you'd like a later time slot, be sure to request it when you make your reservation.

However, the main dining room on cruises is often set up for 4 to 6 people to share, and the tendency is for guests of the same nationality to share seats, but in the case of second seats, foreigners You may also be seated with someone.

If you are sharing a table with a foreigner, there will be times when you will need to communicate in English. It would be nice to be able to say hello in English.

Furthermore, unless in special cases, seats are usually assigned, and orders start after everyone is seated. If you're thinking, 'I'd like to go to an à la carte restaurant tomorrow,' it would be a good idea to inform people in the same seat in advance.

Full course dinner every day

The cruise ship's main restaurant has a luxurious name, but it's free!

Meals in the cruise ship's main dining room are full-course meals. You can choose as many items as you like from each menu such as appetizers, soups, main dishes, desserts, etc.

You might think that course meals are not served every day, but they are indeed offered daily. And the best part is, they are free of charge!

Cruise ships have a large number of people on board, and it must be quite difficult to serve food for over 1,000 people at once. Even in such a situation, it is a blissful moment to listen to each person's order and be able to eat what they want and as much as they want.

For more information on cruise travel, please refer to the travelogue below.

Winter Short Cruise 2017 in Mediterranean Travels Winter Short Cruise 2017 in Mediterranean 海外旅行が初めての両親を連れての豪華客船のクルーズ旅行。行き先はヨーロッパ。気になるお金のことや準備のこと、旅行中の喧嘩の話など、てんやわんやが満載の旅行記ブログ。そして旅行はあの【てるみくらぶ】(笑)。 [LA Disneyland Mexico Cruise Travelogue Boat Travel Blog] Los Angeles and Mexico! [Carnival Cruise] Travels [LA Disneyland Mexico Cruise Travelogue Boat Travel Blog] Los Angeles and Mexico! [Carnival Cruise] 大阪―ロサンゼルス往復3万円という激安航空券を手に入れて、ロサンゼルスからメキシコまで個人手配のクルーズ旅行。ロサンゼルスまで来たんだからディズニーランドにも行けるよね!? Winter Cruise in Mediterranean Travels Winter Cruise in Mediterranean 日本からヨーロッパまでの往復航空券・ホテル・クルーズ代金全て込みで69800円の激安ツアーに行ってみた!冬の地中海クルーズについてや船内の飲み物の値段なども詳しくレポート。安いツアーの選び方やクルーズ船での過ごし方や服装・ドレスコードなども詳しくレビュー。クルーズ旅行って、思ってた以上にお得だし、想像以上に楽しいぞ! ボイジャー・オブ・ザ・シーズで行く東南アジア・クルーズ旅行記 Travels ボイジャー・オブ・ザ・シーズで行く東南アジア・クルーズ旅行記 全日空 / ANAで行くシンガポール・クルーズ、ロイヤルカリビアンクルーズ。船は「ボイジャー・オブ・ザ・シーズ」。常夏のクリスマスカラーに染まるシンガポールを出港し、マレーシア・クアラルンプール、タイ・プーケットを巡るクルージング体験をお届け。

When you get tired of full course meals...

The cruise ship's main restaurant has a luxurious name, but it's free!

Eating in the main dining area for several days in a row can become monotonous. In such situations, dining at the à la carte restaurant is recommended.

A la carte restaurants are not included in the cruise price and must be paid for separately. The estimated budget is around 5,000 yen per person.

It will be expensive to use the a la carte restaurant every day, but try it once in a while and enjoy your cruise life.

Cruise ships are generally the same regardless of the company. Please refer to the article below for information on restaurants on cruise ships.

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